miercuri, 25 februarie 2015

Who doesn't?

I can all day stay beside my thoughts.
Once, I was interned in me.
I have problems with my sleeping because of these thoughts.
All thoughts at night are, about the future.
Just sometimes are about the past.
I'm that man that all the time said that we should live the day that we live, but, we can't.
We live in a world where you can't think that you're in a safe place.
And, in this non-safe place just goals for future can make us stronger.
I wanna say something that said my teacher: "You should invest in your education." "Educations means future."

P.S. For me, maybe for you too... Future doesn't mean 10 years after I say it. It means 1 second after , 1 hour, 1 day, 1 month , 1 life.

duminică, 15 februarie 2015

Exhausted of all.

    I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted from being a right person. I'm exhausted to see soft people. I'm exhausted from all.
    I don't know what's the worst in our life:  ”To be mad” or ”To be normal”.

   I can say that I live in a TV show that's named: "Republic of Moldova" ,because sometimes I have an impression that all persons around me are zombies and I'm the only one that wants to change something.
    My country isn't a place where all survive, but, I think they don't live.